Women Spend 2 Years in Preparations for New Year’s Eve

Women prepare 2 years in total for New Year's EveWomen spend a total of 2 years preparing for New Year’s Eve. It includes cleaning, shopping, cooking, decorating the home and etc, a new research reveals.

The usual annual holiday preparations start 2 weeks before New Year’s Eve. This particular period involves thorough cleaning, about 50 minutes a day. The place requiring most attention is cleaned first, no surprise this is the bathroom.

The statistics show that from the age of 18, an overage lady spends 2 years and 4 months getting ready for the big occasion. Some women even admit that December is the month of most vigorous cleaning, as they tend to spend 3 hours more, making their home spick and span for the new year.

Among the 200 women polled, 70% admit that they are houseproud. 75% of them finish cleaning and hover the floor minutes before receiving guests. The latter is the main reason why 72% are terrified by the idea of not having enough time to do the clean up, as guests may arrive earlier than expected. 73% regard the bathroom as the place that should be immaculate.

How much time do you spend in preparations for the holidays?

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Nicholas Carr

Nicholas Carr

CleanerConfessions.com is a blog meant for various domestic tips mainly but not limited to cleaning, washing and wiping dust, stains and dirt away from your home.