If you’re a regular visitor to the Cleaner Confessions site, you’re pretty familiar with our purpose and mission. Even if you’re not, the name itself should be indicative of what the site aims to achieve.
It’s a community of bloggers who are all really passionate about telling great stories – and offering up the best tips at the same time.
That’s why there was no question that a partnership with a company like Valley Windows was not only imperative but more so – beneficial to the readers of Cleaner Confessions. Valley Windows’ vision is to bring its customers a better view through premium windows and doors.
When you look at a home, what are some of the first things that you notice?
You probably don’t “ooh” and “aah” over the foundation or the electrical wiring. What you do probably have a reaction to – are the windows and doors. They’re such an integral part of any home’s design. It doesn’t matter what the architectural style is, they’re functional and (hopefully) easy on the eyes.
…that is, when they’re properly maintained. It’s easy enough to forget about cleaning your windows. You walk past them and if you can see through them just fine, you move on with your day.
This is the gateway to long-term damage and ultimately, higher costs for you when they need to be replaced. Valley Windows is well-known for both timber and aluminium windows, so in the spirit of equality, read on for information about how to clean both:
In General
- It can’t be stressed enough (but it will be anyway) – the first tip is the simplest. Clean them! Short simple and to the point.
- Many get caught up on the cadence of how often to clean them, so let’s put some myths to bed. This – as with many of the chores around the house – shouldn’t take very long, when you do them on a regular basis. The recommendation is to add cleaning your windows to your weekly list of chores. Can you not think of a better and more relaxing way to spend a Sunday? Jokes aside, when you close out the week, knowing that have checked that off of the list, you’ll feel much better, and so will your windows.
- Do your research on the products that you choose. We’ll get into that in a minute, but as with the desire to know what’s in your food, so that you can properly fuel your body, so too do you want to know what’s helping fuel (and maintain) your home. This is especially important if you live a lifestyle in which you prefer as few chemicals as possible, so you’ll want to check out the ingredients list on any product to ensure that it’s as natural as possible.
- To that point, it’s time to dispel another tip. Those chemicals mentioned may be great for some homeowners and renters, and not for others. They’re all available in today’s market so that you can find the one that makes the most sense for you and your loved ones. Don’t let a specific lifestyle deter you away from cleaning your windows.
Cleaning Timber Windows
On to the really fun stuff. What’s the process here? Timber windows can be a beautiful addition to any home, especially if your goal is more of a period look.
But Mother Nature can be cruel to materials like wood, what with moisture during cold and wet months that can easily warp it. That’s why timber windows go through a few extra steps during the design and engineering processes – like staining and oiling.
They’re worth it.
Here are so simple steps that you can follow; consider this your pocket guide for the do’s and don’ts of cleaning timber windows specifically:
- First, you’ll want to use a softer brush (a scouring pad can work just as well) and warmed washing up liquid to lift the dirt. You can dilute your washing up liquid with water to help it go that much further.
- Rinse the entire area very thoroughly with warm water and use a soft cloth to remove any excess.
- There is an exception here. If your windows and sills are painted white, you can take advantage of a diluted bleach solution if those stains are being particularly stubborn or if you see signs of mould patches.
- If the paint on the frame has seen better days, you can use a soft bristle brush to remove any flakes before cleaning. Consider it exfoliation for your window frame before you truly cleanse it.
Cleaning Aluminium Windows
Aluminium has seen a hey-day in recent years, as scientists and experts in every field are learning how much simpler and more sustainable it can be in different capacities. Today, that means window frames. You’ll see these frequently on homes of more modern styles and the steps to clean are just as modern:
- Look for dull grey-brown cast and white, powdery spots. This oxidation chemically binds to the aluminium to ensure that it doesn’t see further corrosion. This is a double-edged sword because said oxidization doesn’t really help with the visual appeal.
- Remove dirt and debris from the window with a dry scrub brush. Look for ones made from nylon.
- Create a solution of equal amounts of water and white vinegar
- Dip the scrub brush into the vinegar and water solution and use the solution to scrub your windows.
- Rinse over the aluminium window frame with water
- Dry the surface with a rag.
So, there you have it! Questions?
Let us know. And check out the Valley Windows site.