There are many ways to welcome the New Year. Traditions and rituals around the world are as numerous as the days of the year.
Author - Nicholas Carr
Holidays Are a Cleaning Chore for House Proud Women
Are you houseproud? What do you associate holidays with? Fun and family gatherings, festive mood, gifts and drinks? Yes, of course, but all that is unthinkable without the proper clean up.
Women Spend 2 Years in Preparations for New Year’s Eve
Women spend a total of 2 years preparing for New Year’s Eve. It includes cleaning, shopping, cooking, decorating the home and etc, a new research reveals.
Cleaning – The Last Thing That Comes to Mind...
With Christmas already over, everyone in the UK is looking forward impatiently to the next big occasion. People throughout the UK are now preparing for the big event: New Year’s Eve.
December – The Decluttering and Cleaning Month
December is the most intensive cleaning month with preparations for the upcoming holidays start 2 weeks before Christmas and even earlier.
How Much Time Women Spend Cleaning for Christmas?
Christmas is the holiday which stresses us the most and reason for this is the huge holiday cleaning every woman experience. But how much time does it take to handle it? If you are one of...
Merry Christmas to Everyone! Do You Celebrate Already?
It’s Christmas – the brightest day of the year. We usually spend this day surrounded by our family and friends. And how is it this time? Many people choose to celebrate away...
Winter Garden Cleaning Can Be Tough
Cleaning the garden in the winter can be very tough and even dangerous, experts claim. People should be very careful if they want to handle this tasks smoothly. Even if you cleaned the...