Did you clean your windows for the winter? Even if you did it, they probably need to be cleaned again after all these rainy days. That is why it is good to know that a new...
Author - Nicholas Carr
Christmas Cleaning Cannot Be Avoided
Postponing the cleaning before Christmas can be very tricky, experts say. What is the difference, you may ask? When you postpone the weekly cleaning tasks, you always know that at some...
Main Reasons Why People Hate Cleaning Revealed
Some people do hate cleaning up, and we should be thankful that there are others that love doing it or at least are skilled enough to make a living out of it.
One in 20 Brits Uses Carpet Cleaning Service Regularly
A study reveals that 1/5 of all Brits polled use professional carpet cleaning services. 30% of home owners questioned admit that they hardly get a household chore completed.
London Hosts the Oldest Dinosaur Known Ever
The London Museum is probably the place where the oldest dinosaur known ever can be seen. The scientists claim that the remains of a dinosaur which has been shown in the museum for 80 years...
Step Towards Housekeeping Without Unhealthy Chemicals
Scientific researches have proven that most household products ingredients can be used to create a damaging chemical mixture that can cause severe health problems.
Snow Shower Causes Chaos
Snow shower led to chaos in most of the UK, with flights being cancelled, delays announced and roads blocked with traffic.
Women Spend Less Time on Cleaning
Today women spend less time on cleaning than they did 50 years ago. In the 1960s an average woman spent 44 hours a week to clean the house and organise it in order to be a great place for...