The Manchester Science Festival has a lot to offer. One of its major attractions is the new type of jeans ‘Catalytic Clothing’, the cutting edge catalytic converters, that you...
Category - News

Small Talks with Emmanuel Emman Damian
First things first, can you tell us, when did you start with tennis? I started playing tennis around 12 years old. I’m such a...
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How To Clean Your Kitchen & Your Body With The Keto Diet
Diets are very popular nowadays. More people are becoming aware of the impact that alimentation has on their health. Due to junk...
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The 5 Most Popular Kitchen Colors in 2017
Nothing can brighten up an old and worn out kitchen like a fresh coat of paint. But what color scheme should you go for? There...
Read MoreAfter Hurricane Sandy – Cleaning Up Begins
The devastating Hurricane Sandy is deteriorating, changing direction and heading westwards.
Cleaners Applied to Guinness World Record for Lowest...
Two Indian women applied to Guinness World Record for the lowest salary received ever. They both earned $103 each after they have been cleaning toilets for 40 years. Akku and Leela are 59...
Hollywood Sign to Be Cleaned and Repaired
One of the most popular signs in the world is to be repaired and made even more eye-catching. The sign is currently being made brighter and whiter.
Home-owners Get Prepared for Hurricane Sandy
The hurricane Sandy is closing the east coast of the United States and Canada and the home-owners are getting prepared for the upcoming storm very carefully. The public services in New York...
Dyson Takes Bosch to Court for Stealing Tech Info
The British manufacturer and creator of the vacuum cleaners without bags, James Dyson accuses the German brand Bosch of using the services of a spy to steal confidential information. On 25...
Britons Endangered by Infections
Experts claim that many Britons are endangered by infections because of their bad cleaning habits. A research was made among 2 000 people in order to find out more about the habits of the...
Most Preferred Cleaning Services in Britain
Brits would love a clean home, but rarely love to face all the cleaning themselves. There are some jobs that they loathe doing, as most people usually do.