Spring cleaning dates back from ancient times. This annual cleaning ritual was invented by someone somewhere in the past. Let’s trace back spring cleaning origins together.
Category - News

Small Talks with Emmanuel Emman Damian
First things first, can you tell us, when did you start with tennis? I started playing tennis around 12 years old. I’m such a...
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How To Clean Your Kitchen & Your Body With The Keto Diet
Diets are very popular nowadays. More people are becoming aware of the impact that alimentation has on their health. Due to junk...
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The 5 Most Popular Kitchen Colors in 2017
Nothing can brighten up an old and worn out kitchen like a fresh coat of paint. But what color scheme should you go for? There...
Read MoreAshes Considered Better Than Detergents in Cleaning
Old-fashioned cleaning practices are still a common occurrence in Bangladesh. Old natural cleaning solutions are widely preferred over commercial detergents. Strange but a fact.
Eco Cleaning Products to Prevent Health Problems
The pollutants we breath in with the air and the chemicals in the cleaning products become the reason for many health problems, the experts claim. There is no way to change the air but we...
World Water Day: How Much Water We Waste
22nd of March is the World Water Day. It is not a day spent celebrating but it is more like a day when we have to think about the water resources of our planet. Did you know that there are...
Classes on Making Home Cleaning Products
It’s not a secret for anybody that green cleaning is now modern and more people want to practice it. We realized how harmful the chemicals are and that leads us to the idea to start...
Grease and Odour Control by Grease Bloc
New technology kitchen innovation will boost safety and cleanliness in commercial kitchens. Plasma Clean are launching the Grease Bloc, a system improving fire safety and promoting better...
Late Afternoon Is the Best Time to Clean Your Home
Cleaning is best performed in the late afternoon, more precisely at 4 o’clock pm. Real Simple Magazine reveals that when a persons starts cleaning around 4 pm it will be carried out...
Ipad Cleaning Innovations: The iEraser
Ipad, as we all know is a touch screen device. Using fingers to tab, drag and so on, leads to leaving finger prints all over the delicate screen. Cleaning advanced technology has been...