The fact how much the people from particular nationality wash their hands or take care of their hygiene has always been very discussed. And there is one very interesting competition between Brits and Americans and who have cleaner hands.
There were two researches made one in the United Kingdom and one in the US. The research made in the UK took place in a gas station and the habits of 200 000 people were monitored. The results was that 32% of men and 64% of women skipped washing their hands but when asked, 99% of them said that they in fact washed their hands after using the rest room.
The same research took place in the United states were 6 028 people have used several of the public rest rooms with the highest traffic. The final numbers show that 77% of men and 93% of the women washed their hands. In another research in the US made among the same amount of people, who were asked on the phone about their habits, 96% of all answered positive to the answer if they wash their hands after using the rest-room.
The numbers from the surveys talk by themselves but sometimes numbers are not representing the real facts as some people consider the usage of antibacterial gel as equal of the hands washing.