Robot will clean the places in Fukushima Nuclear Plant where the radiation is too high and humans cannot enter.
This was revealed yesterday November 21st by Metro UK. Pictures of the robot have been released in Internet. The machine is invention of the giant Toshiba, it has four legs and it is capable of passing along debris. The robot will be controlled with wireless system but there is some work to be done before they let it enter the plant.
The main problem of the machine is that it freezes with one of its legs in the year. The technicians are working on improving the legs of the robots. Another issue that needs to be solved is what to do if the robot falls down. If this happens, the machine cannot stand up on its feet without somebody’s help.
At this moment the robot is not going to clean up the debris, but the owner of the Fukushima nuclear plant stated that they are going to use it to inspect places within the area which have been destroyed and where the levels of radiation are higher.