Hygiene Specialists on the Importance of a Clean Kitchen


Dr Frédéric Saldmann, hygiene specialist, firmly states that cleanliness in the kitchen is the key to healthy life. We are what we eat, so in order to feed on healthy food scientists recommend regular kitchen cleaning and maintaining good hygiene when dealing with food.

Infections spread easily when hands are dirty. Cooking with dirty hands is one of the main causes of bacteria infections. Cooking should start with washing your hands properly. Drying is also crucial to health as bacteria love moisture.

Dirty handbags brought into the kitchen increase the risk of contaminating food. All bags are in contact with dirt constantly, we drop them on the ground and then bring all the dirt home. Leaving such bags in the kitchen is a potential way to infect your food. Hygienists advise on wiping the surfaces clean and then proceeding with any food preparation.

Dr. Saldmann also mentions the danger of using sponges for a long time. Changing them regularly and drying them after use is one of the effective ways to keep your food safe from infection causing bacteria.

Dirt is there even when we hardly notice it. The invisible threat to our health is lurking around every crack, dirty bag or spill we don’t clean on time. Places in contact with food should be cleaned before every chopping and cutting. Places where food is stored should be thoroughly cleaned every 15 days.

source: http://uk.lifestyle.yahoo.com

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Nicholas Carr

Nicholas Carr

CleanerConfessions.com is a blog meant for various domestic tips mainly but not limited to cleaning, washing and wiping dust, stains and dirt away from your home.