Man Burned Down a House After Bad Housekeeping

A house set on fire due to bad housekeepingGreg Andrew Diver is now ‘behind bars’ after facing charges for burning down the house property of an ex-partner. The motive was a cleaning spat over bad housekeeping.

Greg Andrew Diver, 34, lighted up Keilor Downs property after a quarrel with his ex-partner Katie Phillips. The fire took the life of Ms Phillips’ dog – a Maltese cross shih tzu.

Judges said that Greg revealed before a psychologist that the reason for the arson was a critical remark to Ms Phillips for not “doing enough of the housework”. Diver had spent several months living together with Ms Phillips and her kids, when the argument occurred in December, 2011.

Greg was texting his ex for a while, sending coded post-argument text messages, some of them threatening and showing his intentions.

Greg Diver went to the property, soaked Ms Phillips’ garments in petrol and set them on fire. The blaze spread quickly, blowing the bathroom door off, trapping the little dog Koko inside, as the house burned down.

Greg admitted to his intentions to cause Ms Phillips pain and even gave her a call telling her that the house had burned to the ground and her dog had died, stating that he didn’t care.

Is this a “should have called a cleaner in” situation? Setting the house on fire won’t make it cleaner, it will lead to serious legal consequences.

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Nicholas Carr

Nicholas Carr is a blog meant for various domestic tips mainly but not limited to cleaning, washing and wiping dust, stains and dirt away from your home.