Men Doing Household Chores Get Less Love?!

Men Who Clean

Men doing domestic chores are every woman’s dream. But when this dream becomes reality, does household work challenge masculinity? A new study points that men get less loving when they do more house work. Why bother then?

The study was carried Center for Advanced Studies at the Juan March Institute in Madrid.  Couples when men embrace housework which is typical for housewives, have sex less frequently. On the contrary, when men get involved in more masculine activities and do less housework they are more desired partners. Auto maintenance and working in the yard are reported to be more a turn on.

4,500 heterosexual married U.S. couples took part in another recent survey. Couples report spending 34 hours weekly doing household chores and only 17 hours doing men tasks like repair, working in the garden. The study points out that men do 20% of the female tasks, and half the male tasks. In other words, women do more housework than men.

So the moral is that women-operated households have a balanced love life. Homes with active male housekeepers are having sex less frequently. Best are the conditions when both partners are free to do whatever they please, relying on domestic maid to the household chores.

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Nicholas Carr

Nicholas Carr is a blog meant for various domestic tips mainly but not limited to cleaning, washing and wiping dust, stains and dirt away from your home.