Common OCD symptom.

Suffering OCD? Start Cleaning Business

If you haven’t heard of OCD, we will explain what does it mean. This is Obsessive Compulsive Disorder – a disorder when the person is obsessed with cleaning and germs. People...


Men Wearing Pink Deemed More Successful

Pink turns out to be a powerful colour especially when it comes to men. Pink is the colour of success and confidence, reveals a new research cited by Dailymail. The study points out some...

fukushima nuclear plant

Fukushima Nuclear Plant Cleaned by Robot

Robot will clean the places in Fukushima Nuclear Plant where the radiation is too high and humans cannot enter. This was revealed yesterday November 21st by Metro UK. Pictures of the robot...

John-Lewis cleaners won pay rise

Victory for John Lewis Cleaners

The cleaners who work in the stores of John Lewis finally won the battle and received the pay rise they insisted for. The contractor working for John Lewis is ICM and the employees of the...